Breastfeeding Your Baby with Down Syndrome

Breastfeeding Your Baby with Down Syndrome

The early days of breastfeeding are a time for you and your baby to get to know each other and learn to breastfeed effectively. Every nursing mother must make some adjustments during this time because every baby is unique. As you get acquainted with your baby, you will discover that babies with Down syndrome have physical characteristics that may have an impact on breastfeeding. While you probably will not encounter all of the challenges discussed here, understanding your baby’s particular needs will help you to get breastfeeding off to a good start. In some cases, you may need to advocate for yourself and your baby to get the support you need. Babies with Down syndrome can and do breastfeed. Often it takes time and patience. We hope that these tips help you and your baby have a successful breastfeeding experience. However, you may need further support or your baby may not breastfeed at all. Find the way that works best for you and your baby.

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