Donate to LLLC-Halifax!

Show your support for breastfeeding and your local LLLC group!

Sixty years ago, seven mothers in Illinois came together and formed La Leche League. They believed that experienced breastfeeding mothers could provide the kind of personal breastfeeding support that families needed.  Around the world, their vision is still serving families today, and in a community close to you through La Leche League Canada.

Babies and their families in your area have benefited from the expertise and support of trained volunteers. La Leche League Canada works hard to minimize expenses but there are still real costs to sustaining and growing this service. Donations from individuals like YOU are essential. Simply put, your support makes La Leche League Canada possible -- locally and nationally.

Donations help all of La Leche League Canada, including sustaining local groups and establishing new groups.Your donation will be shared between this local LLLC Group and LLLC nationally thus supporting projects and activities at all levels of the organization.

Thank you for recognizing your local Leader's support and community involvement with your donation!

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