Please read more about the process of becoming an LLLC Leader.
Before you apply to become a LLL Leader, you will need to have a discussion with a current Leader about the prerequisites, LLL philosophy, Leader responsibilities and the work required during the application period. If you are both in agreement to move forward, the Leader will write a recommendation and you will fill out the application form and pay the Leader application fee.
Are you already attending LLL Series Meetings? If so, discuss the information on this page with one of the Group Leaders.
Is there a LLL Group near you? (Find your local Group). If yes, start attending meetings to learn what LLL Leaders do and how they support breastfeeding mothers/parents. If you decide that you'd like to become a LLL Leader, talk with one of the Group Leaders, who can share more details about leadership, and help you decide if leadership is right for you.
What if there's no LLL Group nearby? You can still apply to become a LLL Leader. If you live in an area with no LLL Group or Leader, contact the Administrator of Leader Accreditation via - A representative of the Leader Accreditation Department (LAD) will answer your questions.
To Learn More About LLL:
Read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (and other LLLI books), Breastfeeding Today and the LLLC information sheets.
Make a financial donation so LLLC can continuing supporting breastfeeding families.
Attend Series Meetings, some are now on-line and available from anywhere! You‘ll become part of a support network that provides information and encouragement.
Extend your network and learn more about breastfeeding and parenting by attending local La Leche League conferences.