Growth Spurts and Frequent-Feeding Days

Growth Spurts

Just as you are getting used to how often your baby wants to breastfeed she may suddenly want to nurse more often over a period of several days. These “growth spurts” or “frequent-feeding days” are to be expected when your baby is about 10 days old, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months old. But they may happen at any time.

These frequency days are designed to increase your milk supply to meet your baby’s need for more calories to grow. The more milk your baby drinks, the more milk your body will make. Follow your baby's lead. Let him breastfeed as often and as long as he wants. After about 48-72 hours of frequent nursing, your baby will usually return to her previous feeding routine. Growth spurts are normal and not a sign of a low milk supply.

You can feel confident that all is well if:

  • your baby is still having the same number of wet and poopy diapers.
  • your baby is content with feeding more frequently.
  • breastfeeding is comfortable.
  • your baby has a good, deep latch and removes milk effectively.
  • your baby is growing and gaining weight.

If you are concerned that you may truly not have enough milk for your baby see Low Milk Production for more information and/or get your baby weighed at the healthcare provider’s office. Other information sheets that may be helpful are:

If you have any breastfeeding questions or concerns, contact your local La Leche League Canada Leader who can provide you with support and information.

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